Thank you everyone for coming! We both agree that was the best wedding EVER, and it wouldn't have been nearly so fabulous without you.
We'd like to share not only the photos but the text of the ceremony and the readings we chose. Here you go:
Ladies' Lunch
Getting Ready
Photo Booth
Many thanks to Lindsey Baker of for saving the day at the last minute and taking some of the best wedding photos ever. If you know anyone in the Austin area in need of a photographer with a highly artistic eye, please contact her!
And of course the day would have been nothing without the incomprable David Little who single-handedly wrote the ceremony and picked out all the readings. Michelle Rhoades, Courtney Frierson, Rachel Handschuh, Liz Beaman, Joy Peterson, and Aiyana Cunningham lent us their voices and read the selections picked by David. If you want to check it out, click here.
Much love,